Sedation Services
At Victoria Place Dental Practice in the heart of beautiful Biggleswade, Bedfordshire we not only offer a complete range of dental services but for nervous or anxious patients we can also offer sedation.
We are very proud to have Dr Jessica Taylor who brings many years of experience in this field to the practice.
Jess offers several different solutions to suit the needs of each patient.
Please use our contact form below to tell us what you need and we’ll happily schedule you a no-obligation consultation with Jess.

About Dr Taylor
Here at Victoria Place Dental you will find a relaxing and happy atmosphere, even if that is not what you are feeling inside.
Often nervous patients come to us after years of not seeing a dentist and find a kind approach and careful manner are all they need to take the steps to overcome their fears. However, for some this is not the case.
Thankfully, Dr Jessica Taylor has a wealth of experience with all different sorts of anxieties and phobias relating to dental care. Jess really enjoys helping patients like these.
Jess and her assistants can offer a range of sedation techniques, to allow patients the comfort they need to be able to be treated.
Sedation is when medication is given, usually in small increments through the arm or the back of the hand, until the patient feels happy, sleepy, free of anxiety, and can tell us they are ready for us to start. Then, and only then, will we gently start to guide them though their treatment. The medication usually results in amnesia so that when patients look back on it the next day it all seems like a blurry memory, or even that they slept through the whole thing.
Dr Taylor and her assistants are SAAD registered, and fully trained and up to date with all requirements to allow safe administration of the sedating medication in the right environment.
Before you come in to see us for sedation, Dr Taylor would like the opportunity to meet you and understand your needs. Jess is very used to seeing mouths in dire straits, so please do not concern yourself that you will be judged.
It is important that you know beforehand that you are totally in control of what happens at this initial appointment.
A thorough discussion will take place before anyone looks at your mouth, so that it is known what you can and cannot tolerate at this stage. You will not be rushed and you will be listened to.
Simply complete our contact form and our friendly reception staff will be in touch to book you some initial time, or even just invite you to come and look around and say hello.
Be brave, take that first step.